City of Sacramento Cloud-Based Meter Testing Form Development

Cloud-Based Meter Testing Data Collection Smart Form

Water meter testing in the field and in the lab helps the City of Sacramento assess the accuracy of its deployed meter inventory, establish meter replacement criteria, and analyze characteristics such as deployment time and total registered flow. The more robust and timelier the data available, the more insights the City can apply to decision making.

To both enhance the diversity of meter data collected and simplify data entry, Harris is developing a cloud-based smart form that City staff will use to enter field-based and bench meter test data.

The form will enable staff to digitally input meter characteristics that will be incorporated into the City’s existing database

Core Elements

The meter testing form is being developed using ESRI’s Survey123 tool, and results will be analyzed using tools such as Microsoft BI to generate data tables and reports. Field-based crews will enter data directly, and the forms will be digitally linked to the City’s information database and GIS.

Harris will also backfill the database with the City’s historical test data.

Beyond the Blueprints

The new data entry form will enable the City to analyze meter data cumulatively and provide on-the-fly results to refine and optimize testing methods. In addition, the form will help the City develop a more robust database of meter characteristics for future improvements.

Meet the Team


City of Sacramento


Sacramento, CA




Water Consulting