Harris has provided audit acquisition services to Clark County, Nevada, for more than 10 years. Most recently, Harris has assisted with Special Improvement District No. 132 (Village 15A/18), Special Improvement District No. 151 (Village 16 and 17), and Special Improvement District No. 159 (Village 16A).
These projects require that an acquisition audit be conducted to determine the Developer’s actual costs to construct the public improvements within the development area. To date, Harris has reviewed and recommended for reimbursement of over $33.4 million in improvement costs.
To streamline the reimbursement audit process, Harris reviewed financing and reimbursement agreements, discussed reimbursement policies with County staff, and prepared manuals and procedures to facilitate in the review process. Harris also worked with the Developer to streamline the submittal and review process.
Beyond audit acquisition services, Harris served as district engineer for the formation of special districts and developed the assessment methodology for the properties. As development occurs, Harris provides reapportionment services for the special districts as well.
Core Elements
Across the three district projects, Harris is responsible for:
- Reviewing Developer reimbursement requests for eligible improvements
- Reviewing as-builts, contracts, change orders, invoices, and proofs of payment submitted by the Developer
- Managing allocation of costs between public and private facilities
- Determining the actual costs incurred to construct the eligible improvements
- Recommending the appropriate reimbursement amount and completing acquisition audit report
- Meeting with the County and Developer as required
- Tracking Developer submittals and reimbursements
- Completing field reviews of completed improvements as required
Clark County, Nevada
Clark County, NV
Planning + Development