Harris has provided planning support services and staff augmentation to the County of Humboldt since late 2020. In this role, Harris staff have served as an extension of County staff relative to the processing of Special Use Permits and Conditional Use Permits required to allow the permitting and cultivation of cannabis throughout Humboldt County.
Harris is responsible for application review, compliance determination with applicable general plan, zoning code, and two separate cannabis-related ordinances. Harris is also responsible for CEQA compliance determination and preparing staff reports; resolutions with findings and evidence; development of conditions of approval; review of inter-departmental review/referrals and comments; public hearing notices; receipt, review and coordination of pre-hearing public comments; and post-hearing document finalization including CEQA Notices of Determination (NODs), condition changes/amendments, and resolution amendments. Harris staff also track individual projects through all appeal periods.
Harris staff have consistently agendized and presented multiple projects for the bi-weekly Zoning Administrator and Planning Commission agendas for each month in 2021. Harris has been assigned a total of 157 projects to date. Due to timely review of applications, diligently analyzing information and the quick preparation of staff reports, Harris has been able to achieve approval of 65+ applications. Harris is averaging between 6-10 projects per month being brought to hearing for the entirety of 2021 and 2022.
Harris staff were able to build the trust and respect of the County’s internal staff, decision makers, and members of the public by maintaining a superior level of review, providing clear and concise information distribution, and conducting high-level professional public hearings via Zoom, Ring-Central, Skype and other electronic platforms required due to COVID-19. Harris staff are equally qualified to provide in-person presentations and meetings as COVID-19 guidelines allow.
County of Humboldt
Eureka, CA
Planning + Development
Environmental Planning + Compliance
Community Planning
Staff Augmentation
Environmental Services