The City of Irvine announced the selection of a team led by Harris & Associates to provide support for the City’s General Plan Update. The new engagement builds on a relationship that spans multiple projects and more than two decades.
Hitta Mosesman, Vice President of Community Development will lead the team on the General Plan Update. Hitta is currently leading Harris’ work on the Housing Element Update with the City, which addresses a wide range of measures aimed at improving the production and equity of all forms of housing. Harris’ responsibilities include assessing and analyzing key documents, housing needs, constraints, resources, and opportunities, all of which culminated in delivering the Housing Element Update.
The Housing Element Update spurred the need for the General Plan Update. The Harris team will manage and provide quality control for all aspects of the General Plan Update, which includes significant updates due to recent growth and the addition of several new plan elements necessary to reflect where the City of Irvine is today and where they want to be in the future. Harris will coordinate with City staff and consultants and collaborate with all applicable local, regional, and state agencies during the update process.
“A general plan is more than the legal underpinning for land use decisions,” said Harris CEO Steve Winchester. “It’s a vision for growth that reflects the community’s priorities and values. Our team is grateful to the City of Irvine for yet another opportunity to help them shape their future in a way that improves lives and serves the greater good.”
“The depth and breadth of our combined expertise, along with our knowledge of the City, will lead to a streamlined, efficient update process focused on the unique character of the community,” said Hitta Mosesman. Ms. Mosesman has worked for the City of Irvine for more than 17 years on housing and other initiatives.
Harris and its partners have worked on over 100 general plans and other related documents as well as CEQA/NEPA document preparation, community planning, and public outreach and engagement for several California cities. In addition to these qualifications, Harris brings to the table a heightened level of familiarity with the City, having operated from a local Irvine office since 1987.
About Harris
Harris is a 100% employee-owned company focused on helping communities solve today's complex challenges in planning, financing, environmental compliance, civil engineering, and construction management. Our offices and project sites span the West Coast in California and Washington with a staff of over 280 employee-owners. We focus on serving clients in the municipal, water, transportation, and education markets.
For More Information
Hitta Mosesman
Vice President / Community Development + Housing
Planning + Development
Public Works
Community Planning
Municipal Finance
Special District Services
General Plan Update
General Plans
Housing Element